Women’s Fellowship
The Women's Fellowship was established in the connexion in 1931 and in 1933 in the Kumasi Diocese, which was then a Circuit. The early pioneers who laboured in the Women's Fellowship were Ms. Persis Beer, Ms. Kathleen White, Sister Frances Green and others. In Kumasi, it was started with a view to support themselves. The Fellowship started with the training of elderly women who were mostly illiterate, particularly wives of Ministers and young women who were about to marry, but now it is full of educated young women. Significantly the birth of the Fellowship in the diocese marked the establishment of Kwadaso Women's Training Centre.

With the autonomy in 1961 the nine Circuits in the diocese have the Women's Fellowship established in almost all the societies within the circuits. These circuits were: Kumasi, Bekwai, Offinso, Konogo, Effiduase, Berekum, Sunyani, Obuasi and Wenchi. However, the creation of more circuits within the diocese has increased the number of branches. The new circuits which have emerged from the old ones, thirty-four in all, have Women's Fellowship in many of the branches. When Sunyani separated from Kumasi in 1979, the District Council of the fellowship met and shared the resources proportionately, with one-third given to the former. Most of the circuits have embarked upon viable projects such as live-stock farming, vegetable farming, making of brooms, sale of firewood, bread-baking, and extraction of oil, etc. to help improve the living standards of the women.

The various circuits are helping their local churches and their communities in diverse ways. Some circuits and/or individual branches have bought gifts like communion trays and table cloth, etc. for the church, cooking utensils, aluminum sauce-pan and drinking cups for use during quarterly meetings as well as furnishings for the minister’s manse.

The Kumasi society branch, for example, has put up a dining hall at the Minister's manse, and has also bought cooking utensils for use during quarterly meetings. At the community level too, some circuits are doing very well. Asokore for example, has given a cash donation to an orphanage at Oyoko and Juaben in collaboration with U.S.T. School of Medical Sciences, which is conducting an educational campaign on malnutrition for mothers.

In 1987, the District adopted Child Welfare Clinic and the various circuits have been presenting gifts to the Centre regularly. Again, on account of the rapid growth of the Fellowship, the Connexional Women's Fellowship has provided a car to be used as a taxi to help improve work in the Diocese. This year the diocese has started rehabilitating part of the Kwadaso Women's Training Centre. It is renovating the Main block, mosquito-proofing and painting it at an estimated cost of GH 700,000.00. In recent years, during our annual conferences, the diocese has been concerned with serious evangelistic work. The usual pattern of sitting down for hours to listen to talk after talk has changed over to actually going to the people to provide for their physical and spiritual needs. Hence we have been endeavouring to hold conferences in areas where we can provide for the needs of people and reach them for Christ. There has been an instance when some Muslims and a fetish priest have been won for Christ. At our diocese conference at Mampong-Ashanti this year, the Women's Fellowship donated an amount of GH 40,000.00 to help the new church of Bosofo-Daaho to build a chapel.

Below is a list of officers from the district who have been Connexional Presidents, Dioceses Presidents and Secretaries.

Past Connexional Presidents
  • Mrs. Rebecca Adu-Badu,
  • Mrs. Elizabeth Abeasi,
  • Late Mrs. Jane Debrah-Apatu (represented Kumasi),
  • Mrs. Sophia Moore,
  • Ms. Quartey.

Past Diocese Presidents

  • Mrs. Sophia Moore,
  • Mrs. Comfort Owusu Asamoah (nee Owusu),
  • Late Sis. Florence Obenewa,
  • Mrs. Elizabeth Abeasi,
  • Mrs. Agnes Asare Owusu,
  • Mrs. Stella Adu Boahen,
  • Ms. Elizabeth Quartey,
  • Ms. Margaret Hanson,
  • Mrs. Grace Adjei Boadi.
  • Ms. Christiana Adjei,
  • Mrs. Margaret Bassaw and
  • Mrs. Mary Owusu-Afriyie Mensah.

Past Diocese Secretaries
  • Mrs. Sophia Moore,
  • Mrs. Rachel Tetteh,
  • Ms. Elizabeth Quartey acted for some time and
  • Mrs. Susuana Williams.

In conclusion, the diocese Women's Fellowship, generally, has made many women become fully aware of their responsibilities to their families, the Church and the community as a whole. The handbooks give weekly suggestions for the care of the home and, more importantly, they are a source of spiritual upliftment. i in the same way the cookery book also provides practical ways of cooking preserving items, and our valuable newspapers like the 'Tree of Life' help to brightens one's horizon . The Lord has been gracious to the diocese Women's Fellowship and it is our prayer that as the Fellowship grows numerically is quality of life would also grow and in this way have the right impact on the community among whom the members live.

The fellowship is alive to its role as women hence our motto:

Make You His Service Your Delight

He will make your wants His care.

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